
Thursday 26 August 2010

Out of the Blue

You know what it's like. One of those days when you wonder what it's all about. One of those when you thought 'I know a better place to be right now'. And then - wham!! Out of the blue comes something so unexpected, against the run of play that you ponder what divinity inspired intervention chose you, at that very moment, to bless.

Such was the moment ten days ago. As happens these days its likely to be on the golf course. Standing on the 8th hole of the day, a down hill par 3 of some 217 yards distance. In the previous seven holes I had lost three balls and was playing like an absolute beginner - no, worse than that - as if I had never made the acquaintance of a golf club and could not imagine what a golf ball was.

And then it happened - the ball flew off the 5 iron with no discernable impact, was right on line with the flag, hit the front edge of the green and then rolled purposefully to the centre of the cup. A hole in one.

So what happened, a moment of balance, of talent, bordering on genious, conjured something out of nothing. A moment when all the dreams, wishes, hopes, aspirations come together in one fleeting moment of brilliance.

I was reminded in that moment to say thank you, not only to those applauding and offering their congratulations but also to that divinity at work and in such an unsuspecting moment.

Such is the joy and peace that has come so often over the many years as a Dale Carnegie coach. It comes in that moment when someone has a breakthrough. The moment they get it and realise that because of the commitment they made to change their life - it has changed, irrevocably.

Yes, they struggle, question what they are doing here, thinking they'd rather have been somewhere else, practising stuff as beginners ... and then their perseverance pays off. They have practiced and become skilled, still prone to mistakes, but then have moments of brilliance.

Until one is committed, plays the game and dares to try, such moments are absent. It is our responsibility to try to give ourselves the chance of an out of the blue experience.

So take that action you have been putting off - it may not work perfectly every time, experience the ecstasy when it does.

David Pickering
Trainer and Sales Consultant

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