
Friday 31 July 2009

Seeing and Coming From Your Perspective

Picture a snow shake it about (and you do the hokey kokey oops got carried away there :) and you watch the snowflakes - in what appears to be chaos -slowly fall in different places; yet the essence of the globe remains intact, complete and silent.

I recently felt like the snowflakes falling; I was moving house, returning from a beautiful holiday being with my family, completing some rigorous training to instruct and facilitate the Dale Carnegie Programmes and returning to my business which felt like my first day! Amidst the discomfort, the place I call the ‘peace room’ was waiting, waiting patiently for me to connect with. My experiences were a gentle and kind reminder to be in the moment and to live from my core, which is where you and I are at our most powerful!

Then a discussion with a client provoked my thinking of a particular habit I have had – that once served me well – which is now redundant and has been a barrier to my deepening the quality of my connections with family, friends, colleagues and clients: that I assume what someone is going to say or need and that I have the answer for them! What a humbling moment! There is no right answer, no-one has an answer for someone else and our greatest joy is in serving each other. As I approach the world of buying and selling and delivering training, one of the biggest gift I can give to my clients is the space to allow them to come up with the right solution to solve their problems, live the life they so desire and create their desired environment. In other words, focus on their agenda. Now that is liberating and will make me a lot more money!

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