
Friday 17 June 2011

Live Life to the full - and be prepared for it

One of the distinct benefits of getting older is that, without doubt, ones wisdom increases. Now this statement does not necessarily mean that the breadth of our wisdom increases, indeed our wisdom may only be habits of things that work well in the narrow scope of the society with which we interact.

A few things have happened to me in the last couple of weeks that suggest we need to live life to the full. My experience, particularly since joining Dale Carnegie over 25 years ago, suggests that we should start living life to the full at the earliest opportunity.

Two deaths in the last two weeks of people who are known to me at levels 1 and 2 of the six degrees of separation prove, without doubt, we never know when the end is coming. This fact alone should be enough to get us fully charged and into action to live life to the full - each and every day. These are big events that impact those close by to change their lives and lifestyle without any prompting or support from other.

It is the lesser happenings though; the disappointment of not getting that pay rise, or promotion, or idea taken up by your boss, that should promote an equally dramatic response. But what if our comfort zone does not allow us to be confident around others, speak our heart and mind with passion or put ourselves out on a limb.

Then, are we consigned to a life of mediocrity?

The vast majority of people I have met that, for whatever of these reasons, and others, get involved in the Dale Carnegie Course or Executive Leadership Programme say that the programme changed their behaviours and changed their lives for the better.

In the context of life's earnings, the financial investment in programmes such as these is a mere speck. In the context of living life to the full, the investment is irrelevant.

Please do not wait for the 'big' events to persuade you; do what over 8 million other people have done. Change your life today

David Pickering
Trainer and Sales Consultant

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