
Thursday 1 April 2010

Humph!! - so I might as well be positive

On returning to work this week after a wonderful visit to Ireland it was clearly perceptible how positive people are becoming. Whether it is the prospect of a change in Government or better economics, personally and in society in general or perhaps just because the sun is shining - well almost.

Ireland is a beautiful country and life passes at about 1/10th of the frenetic pace we follow in London. Surrounded by so much natural beauty one would think it is hard to get depressed.
One evening I was chatting with some locals over a couple of pints of the black stuff and we were comparing the two countries from a number of perspectives. They were interested to know how bad things were over here and I felt like they were seeking re-assurance that we were all in the same boat. As a result I have to say that my heart goes out to Walter in Dublin.
Well the craic ended up with a whimsical view from Sean "as long as we have our health and a pint in our hand it cannot be all bad".
And, you know, I think that is how we must view life and to engage with it in a way that provides for the reality or the metaphor of what Sean said.

David Pickering

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