
Friday 12 March 2010

Masters of Our Fate, Captains of Our Soul!

When the English Poet William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) wrote the lines: 'I am the Master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul', he could have told us the reason for this is because we have the power to control our own thoughts. He could have also told us that our brains become magnetised with the dominating thoughts we hold in our minds!

So as Session 1 of the Dale Carnegie Course: Effective Communications and Human Relations Skills kicked off on Tuesday the 9th of March with a room full of up to 40 amazing people, one of the elements of the evening involved awakening and creating a vision for ourselves in our professional and personal lives that is somewhat outside of where and who we are right now.

Whether you are one of the delegates on the current programme, a graduate, a potential delegate, a surfer through our website or like us all, a human being interested in simply living a fulfilled, successful and peaceful life for ourselves and for all those around us at work and at home, here are some tips for when you embark upon creating your own compelling vision:

1. Write down your own vision and be definite - let your heart and inner desires flow freely.

2. Imagine you are already in possession of what you want or who you are, whether it's material or emotional.

3. Establish a definite date by when you intend to achieve it.

4. Share your vision with as many people as possible!

5. Read it aloud every morning when you first awake and last thing at night before you fall asleep.

6. Be alert, awake and alive and live each moment - focused on your vision - yet DETACHED from the outcome.

7. Be grateful and smile :)

Lizzie Thomas

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