
Friday 8 January 2010

New Year, New Goal!

It's that time again when we start a fresh year full of resolutions - some of which we stick to and others....well....they seemed like such a good idea when you sat there and made them!!!

It's tradition to make a New Years resolution and common ones are going on a diet, promising ourselves to get fit, to visit relatives you haven't seen in ages, or maybe learn a new language.

However, why do we not always achieve or fulfil our resolutions? Do we start off well and then lose momentum? Well why not turn it into a goal and see how you do then. Goals can be immediate, intermediate and long-range. Achieving day-to-day goals (immediate goals) contribute to the achievement of intermediate and long range goals. So develop SMART goals:

S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Attainable
R - Relevant
T - Time-specific

Don't forget to review your progress as you go will be amazed at how motivating it can be realising that you are half way to running that marathon, or to that dream dress you've had your eye on for ages.

Good luck and remember, you can make goals at any time of the year, it doesn't just have to be 1st Jan!

Today is a day in the only life you are ever going to have. Make the most of today. Get interested. Get busy. Reach a goal. Shake yourself awake. let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Make your business prosper today. - Dale Carnegie

Helen Mills
Financial Controller

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