
Tuesday, 24 March 2009

A Dogs Life!!

So I was sat in my living room, multi-tasking (watching a re-run of friends on the box and sending some tweets on Twitter to the world at large) when, SUDDENLY it dawned on me as I was checking out the plethora of “auto responses” from people claiming to be my “followers”!! Our generation is losing the human touch not because we have to but because the choice is made easy.

We have on-line chat rooms, e-learning, on-line shopping and on-line-check in, on-line dating and on-line takeaway booking and so on and so on. All of these great technologies could mean that we never ever have to leave the house or speak to a real person ever again, for some this is heaven on earth.

The people I often meet in the training room are driven individuals who want to overcome challenges and achieve more in life for themselves and their businesses. This is the same profile that would fit individuals who were taking Dale Carnegie Courses over 90 years ago. The fundamental challenges that we face with human beings and building relationships remain the same as they did back then, they are just contained within a different social setting and have a few more gadgets involved.

After training hundreds of people, there is one undeniable fact, when a group of people get together there is a great shared experience and connection that could not be replicated on-line. There is also a real buzz and energy created when people share challenges and solutions and overcome their fears.

So in conclusion, let’s celebrate technology for the freedom it gives us. Let’s also ask the question, “Do I sometimes use technology to avoid dealing with people?”...maybe in this instance we are actually restricting our freedom of expression.

There is a man in my life who always chooses people over technology and he has an amazing ability to “Win Friends and Influence People” effortlessly and with energy. If we could throw the same level of energy into meeting new people that he does then surely we could achieve anything. Please welcome Archie the dog!

Hayley Kennedy

Friday, 20 March 2009

Leap of Faith .....

Is now the time to take risks and do things you've never done before? I was running a seminar for a group of business managers two weeks ago and was particularly struck when during a discussion about the dreaded 'credit crunch' one of the participants suggested if you weren't in sales before 1997 you were in for a rude awakening about what it was like to sell in a difficult market.

As business people we are being called upon to go and sell the value of our products and services in a way we haven't had to do in the past decade. If bookings on presentations skills programmes is an indicator that people are being asked to get out there and see more clients then the answer is definitely YES.

We're certainly in a time when we have to try new things to succeed. So ... in challenging times is it important to look before you leap? This final question came in into my mind when I found myself standing on a ledge in the French Alps last week ... snow board strapped to my feet and asking myself the question .. How did I get here? Stupiditiy is one answer!

My conclusion to the quesiton of looking before you leap is ... look but don't look for too long, the drop just seems to get bigger!

Now is the time to take action ... be it in business or French Mountains!:-)

David Anderson
Managing Director

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Lead the way....

In times of recession being a leader helps a business not only survive, but prosper. It is during this time when leadership really counts....when it is truly needed.

Being a leader can take may need to make decisions that steer the company in a completely different direction, insistent to the stakeholders that this is the best thing to do. But what is this based on? Based on courage, conviction, research...or just pure gut instinct? There have been many notable leaders in the past...Sir Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa and Martin Luther King spring to my mind, each one of them notable in their own special way, most of them showing courage and making couragious decisions during turbulant times.

More and more companies are looking towards their managers to become leaders. But are they up for the challenge? Do they have the tools to deliver what is asked of them? Do they have the courage to lead us through this recession? I feel sure that in every company, there are leaders waiting to show what they can show that they can help their company ride this recession and come through stronger, leaner and more profitable.

It's time to lead the way......

Financial Controller

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Welcome to the Dale Carnegie London Blog, we are very excited about our launch and can't wait to start sharing our views and advice with you. The whole team here in London will be contributing to the blog and we will hold monthly polls to find out what you want to hear about and what issues you are facing.
Right now we are getting fed up with the doom and gloom of the credit crunch and want to focus on our goals and see how we can thrive in current times, in the words of Dale Carnegie 'It's Time to Stop Worrying and Start Living'.......

Sophie Whittall
Marketing Co-ordinator