It was a few years ago when I turned 30 that birthdays started to have a little more significance and made me think differently. It was probably because I'd always had in my mind a number of things that I wanted to have achieved by the time I reached that milestone age it was the usual things based around Career, Property, Friends & Relationship. I'm pleased to say that 30 came and went without much drama .... I was content with where I was and what I'd achieved. Four years later I still find myself reflecting on what the year has brought and what the year ahead will bring. It's dangerous turning a year older as it causes us to evaluate what we've accomplished. It won't surprise you that working in the business that I do I'm a believer in setting goals, working with individuals and organisations asking them on a daily basis what is it they want to achieve and by when, you can't help a little bit rubbing off on yourself.
If I look at the goals that I've set for myself in this past year I've achieved about 70% of what I hoped to and on reflection I'm delighted with that. A few years ago I might have beaten myself up about what hasn't happened yet, what hasn't been achieved and focused on that missing 30%. I've heard the argument many times of people not setting goals for fear of disappointment when they don't hit them, If running a business through a recession has taught me one thing it is how important it is to focus on our successes as we pass each mile stone as I know that is what will take us to the next goal. That said it is I believe important to evaluate goals and see how they can be set again or adapted to fit our new circumstance. In business and in life we don't always set achievable goals .... on reflection perhaps a goal to learn more about wine in this past year and develop a flat stomach were not two goals that should have been set in the same year..... You guessed right .... The Wine Won.
As I'm writing this Blog I also have a document open called 'Goals for 2011' I'm sitting on a plane on my way to a meeting in Denmark with other managers from the Dale Carnegie business. One of the things that I look forward to most about these meetings is as well as getting new ideas from my colleagues it causes me to set goals for the months ahead and reflect on what has been achieved in the past business quarter. By the end of the day tomorrow I know that I will have a document full of new ideas and things I want to achieve.
If you'd like to find out more about setting goals, building a vision and making sure that as you cross that next mile stone; whether it be a Birthday, New Year or Business Quarter that you are happy with what you've achieved then come and join us for free at the first session of the next Dale Carnegie Course on either the 1st of March or the 4th of May. By the end of the evening you'll have new goals and breakthroughs in place.
Give us a call to discuss your goals or book your place.
David Anderson
Managing Director
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