Firstly, there was a granny in Northampton who foiled a jewellery robbery by running across the street, and hitting youths with her handbag as they were trying to smash into a jeweller’s store with sledgehammers. Yes you have read this right, an elderly lady decided that she wasn’t going to stand and watch four or five youths with crash helmets on attack and try to rob a jewellers (please note, she was the only one who went to help). Instead she took a stand. And none of the youths hit her, instead they tried to flee but I believe were eventually captured. If it sounds unreal, have a look on You Tube!

Secondly David Beckham, an international football star and probably one of the most famous people in the world today, stopped to help a motorist who had broken down. Everyone else kept passing the motorist but not David Beckham, he decided to see if the driver was ok and helped push the car out of the way.
Two completely different incidents in the same week. One involving an unknown elderly lady and one involving a superstar....but both with the same thing in common....offering help to someone in need.
And the thought struck often do we help those in need without thought for ourselves. And how often do we do this without expecting anything in return. I don’t know about you but I always remember being told when I was growing up that we should never give to receive.
Now I’m not suggesting anyone tries to stop a robbery with courage and a handbag, but for most of us the offer of help could be listening to a colleague who really needs to talk to you, either on a work or personal matter. Help to carry a buggy up a flight of stairs at the train station during rush hour when a mum is struggling. Seeing a colleague over-worked and offering to help them out in any way you can, even if it’s just fielding telephone calls. Or it could be just what David Beckham did, assist a stranded driver.
There’s another old quote which I will leave you with....and again is so true ‘Actions speak louder than words’.
If you are interested in finding out about Human Relation Principles at Dale Carnegie then why not join us for a preview of the course on 23rd March.
Helen Mills
Financial Controller
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