Over the past couple of weeks we have had a lot of snow and the excitement we first experienced has started to wear off. The snow has caused no end of problems, whether it’s not being able to travel to work, being marooned in your home or losing control of your car on the ice. We have a love hate relationship with the snow, we love to play in it but it can also cause us a lot of stress and worry.
When it snows it snows and there is nothing you can do about it, so the trick is to overcome the worry it causes and just enjoy it:
- Live in “day-tight compartments” – don’t fret about whether it will snow tomorrow or not, just enjoy the day you are in. Deal with the snow tomorrow when and if it comes – you have no control over the weather.
- Ask yourself ‘What is the worst that can possibly happen?” – if your train is delayed by the snow don’t shout at the driver just accept it, the worst that can happen is that you will be late and a lot of other people will probably be in the same boat.
- Cooperate with the inevitable – The weather forecasters have predicted snow, so don’t moan about it but prepare yourself for it. Wrap up warm and get out your snow boots!
Remember that worrying and stressing about things too much can affect your health, think about how much anxiety the snow is really worth......I would say not much, it only comes around about once a year and just think that whatever it stops you doing one day you can always do the next. So next time it snows or something else happens that you begin to worry and stress about, just remember the principles above, overcome your worry and find something to be happy about, such as how beautiful the snow can look when it first falls!

Sophie Whittall
Markerting & Admin Co-ordinator