Every single day this week we have seen tears from his mum, Jason and me and writing this blog today I am tearful. Great news is the tears are for joy too as we are so proud of him for the great achievement and when the farewells happen on Saturday at least we know Daniel will be fine. He has learnt many life skills and is extremely capable. Home life will be strange for a while but adjusting and adapting can be exciting when approached with the right attitude. Jason is already thinking bigger room for him.
So as Saturday approaches and I remain mellow and tune myself with positive thoughts of the future by living today and enjoying each and every moment and yes I will miss his fun loving nature but realise his inspiration for helping me this year through some tough challenges will be treasured forever. His return at Christmas will be a joyous occasion.
My tears are of pride and a sincere wish for his future as a great and brilliant Doctor, I urge everyone reading this to know whats possible when you take action. Take action on your dreams, goals or visions and make a difference for you.
Dr Daniel you are amazing.
Frank Steggall