It’s the end of July, the temperature is in the 70s, and I am writing about Christmas, and why am I reminding you about it, I hear you say? Each year it gets earlier and earlier, and soon we will be reminded of Christmas in June, before we have even thought about this year’s holiday! Selfridges and Harrods launched their ‘seasonal’ displays yesterday, 149 days before Christmas and 11 days earlier than last year, with this year’s trend being white. Personally, I am a traditional person, and believe that Christmas trees should not be sold in any other colour than green, with it covered in decorations and the whole house covered too from roof to floor.
Christmas can be a stressful time for most people, and just thinking about it now, has got me thinking what I will be buying this year. In order to decrease the amount of stress I get each year from Christmas I will keep the stress out of my life, by planning a head. I will make a start earlier than planned and will eliminate the biggest worry of them all...what if they don’t like it. If they do not like it then I can always take it back, and get them something they really like instead.
It’s only July, and I vow this year to make a start on my Christmas presents early. If you do end up shopping on Christmas Eve then do not worry, and follow the principle How to face trouble: Ask yourself, “What is the worst that can possibly happen?” Prepare for the worst. Try to improve on the worst, and you will enjoy the experience of Christmas a lot more.
Attend our free Dale Carnegie Course Preview on 3rd August 2011 or 6th September 2011to find out how you can Stop Worrying And Start Living.
Attend our free Dale Carnegie Course Preview on 3rd August 2011 or 6th September 2011to find out how you can Stop Worrying And Start Living.
Stephanie Fletcher
Marketing Assistant & Administrator