Happy New Year!
I know it is the time of year where promises and resolutions have been made. In fact, it's probably around that these resolutions start to break for most of us. Traditionally, the resolutions that people make are things like eating more healthily, to exercise more, cut down on alcohol consumption and to quit smoking.
However, we need to also consider our own personal development. The first step is to reflect back on 2010. Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions, what went well in 2010? What could be improved?
I am a big football fan and this is also the time of year that many managers get the sack (Roy Keane of Ipswich is the latest to get the chop at the time of writing). This is nothing new or surprising. What surprises me is the lack of flexibility in a large number of the managers that work in the sport, even at the very highest echelons. To give you one example, Carlo Ancelotti
of Chelsea won the double last year and they started this season as they finished the last. However, over the last two months Chelsea have managed just a solitary win in the league and now find themselves nine points adrift of Manchester United.
In this troubled spell Carlo has stuck to the same formation, tactics and has refrained from making changes in the team. A wise man once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results. This unwillingness to change may end up costing him his job.
But I digress..........
Now is the time for you to identify key areas of development that will improve your performance at work. It makes no difference whether you own your own business, work part time or anything in between.
Dale Carnegie Training supports individuals, teams and organisations to perform better. If you would like a complimentary needs analysis assessment to help you establish these key areas then get in touch with one of our performance consultants on 0207 379 4323. You can also come along (for free) to our Effective Communications and Human Relations preview on 11th January. This is our flagship program based on the books How to Win Friends and Influence People, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living and The Quick and Easy Guide to Effective Speaking, written by our founder.
You have many options; don't just do the same thing over and over. do everything you can to make sure 2011 is better than 2010.
Amar Garcha
Performance Consultant
Dale Carnegie Training