This week saw the start of the Ashes and a month of cricket played between England and Australia. The anticipation has been building for weeks and the rivalry between the teams and the fans is strong. Both teams really want to win, England want to hold on to the Ashes crown and the Australians want to take it back. Both teams have been training hard for the test matches ahead and their fans are depending on them to perform at the best.
In order to have any chance of winning each side needs to work together as an effective team, this is the same for any group of people in any business, unless they work collectively to produce their desired outcome they will not achieve the best results possible.
Here are some tips to help your team to be effective and keep on track –
Have frequent and open communication - Most teams dysfuntion is rooted in coommunication breakdowns, such as poor listening, interrupting, rambling, an inibility to get to the point and simply not communicating enough to create team cohesions.
Build Cooperation – In a strong team, individuals rely on each other to make processes and interactions function as planned.
Recognize strengths – Take time to give honest and sincere appreciation to team members.
Manage results, not tasks – Ultimately, what matters is each team member’s contribution to the team’s goals and mission. Strong teams, with diverse peronalities, learn to focus on the results each team member achieves, rather than trying to make indivduals achieve results in a certain way.
Leverage competitive spirit to create communication – Friendly competition generates results. Keep the competition between the team and it’s own past results, not between individual team members.
For more tips and articles on how you and your team can achieve your maximum potential click here to visit the Dale Carnegie Knowledge Centre .
Sophie Whittall
Marketing Co-ordinator